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Results 11 - 20 of 162 (page 2 of 17)
The intuitive mind [electronic resource] : profiting from the power of your sixth sense / Eugene Sadler-Smith.
A molecule away from madness : tales of the hijacked brain / Sara Manning Peskin.
The brain's way of healing : remarkable discoveries and recoveries from the frontiers of neuroplasticity / Norman Doidge, M.D.
Unthinkable : an extraordinary journey through the world's strangest brains / Helen Thomson.
Successful aging : a neuroscientist explores the power and Potential of our lives / Daniel J Levitin.
Staying sharp : 9 keys for a youthful brain through modern science and ageless wisdom / Henry Emmons, MD, David Alter, PhD.
The emotional life of your brain : how its unique patterns affect the way you think, feel, and live--and how you can change them / Richard J. Davidson with Sharon Begley.
You can fix your brain : just 1 hour a week to the best memory, productivity, and sleep you've ever had / Dr. Tom O'Bryan.

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